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By Francis Riggs

Making the transition from having your kids home with you during the day to taking them to day care for their very first day is big. You worry about their safety as long whether or not you have packed all the essentials they will need to make it through the day. There are some questions and concerns that you should have addressed before making the final day care drop-off. Find out whether or not all personnel have taken cpr aed first aid classes. You want your child to have the best care possible and this is information you need to know.

Do not take toys to the school. As much as you want to take your childs favorite toy, you have to think about the welfare of other children at the school as well. A harmless toy to your child might pose a dangerous risks to others. Remember, toys are made from different types of chemicals, dyes and material, some children might be allergic.

Make a list of the items that are allowed in the classroom. More than likely if you are taking a baby to the facility, you will need to know about items such as diapers, wipes, baby bottom cream, formula and storing breast milk. It is important to label all of these items and date them. The teacher will not know when your bottles have been made that is why it is important keep the dates in plain view.

Refrain from taking your little one toys to school. Although, most children have a favorite toy, try to keep it at home, or just in their crib. However, you want to make sure with the teachers before just leaving a toy. Many children like to throw their favorite stuff animal or toy from their crib when they learn how to. So, you want to make sure the toy is not made from any type chemical that someone might be allergic to in the class.

Medication left in a diaper bag or on the desk of a teacher is a no, no. Another child in the classroom can quickly grab the medication, thinking that it is candy or theirs and take it. Children who have seen their parents give them the same medication at home can quickly become confused thinking that the medication is for them.

For little ones who are still in in diapers, it is important that you have a large diaper supply. Your child most likely will need to be changed every two hours. Also, you will need to take along baby wipes and other items needed to make them comfortable during the day. Many day care facilities will allow you to leave a weeks worth of supplies for your child. However, be sure to check with the director.

Make sure you pack enough baby milk for children still taking bottles or breast milk. It should be enough to get your baby through the whole day. It is a good idea to also pack a little extra just in case your baby needs a bit more. For toddlers pack finger food, and in most cases schools supply breakfast, lunch and snacks throughout the day. Be sure to let the facility and teachers know what foods your child is allowed to eat.

Make sure you supply them with all the items needed to make your childs day go smoothly. Keep a weekly list of all the items your child will need. Keep your personal information up-to-date in the little ones folder so that the staff can get in contact with you in case of an emergency.

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