1:33 AM      4 comments
By Patrick McDonald

Many structures including offices, factories, and homes experience slab leaks. When water line leak from underneath the floor, the term used in insurance and construction industries is slab leak. If the leakage takes place above the floor, it is referred to as pinhole leak. For qualified experts in slab leak repair Melbourne should be among the first locations to pay a visit to. The quality of services by service companies in the area is high while rates charged are affordable to most people.

There are many causes for this problem in homes. One of the major causes of this problem in homes is when water reacts with copper pipes. This reaction causes chews away the copper pipes creating lines of weakness. When water is pumped through the pipes under high pressure, the lines of weakness are broken and water start leaks out.

The reaction between copper pipes and water is just among the many reasons for the problem. Additional causes include contact with rock, concrete or rebar, too much soldering flux, non-reamed pipes, and poor installation practices. However, these causes only account for a minute fraction of all instances people experience. Hiring a qualified plumber who has the right skills and experience should be able to solve most of the additional causes.

Indicators of leaking slabs are many and one should be attentive to notice them. The first indicator to pay attention to is the sound of running or pouring water in the floor when no water source in the house is running. This will often mean that a pipe is broken below the surface.

The second sign one should observe is hot spots in floors. Hot spots that are not caused by any noticeable reason could mean that hot water lines are leaking. Thirdly, cracks will occur in walls and floors when there are leaking pipes underneath. When carpets form a lot of mildew or moisture beneath them, it could indicate that there is a leakage. Lastly, one should be suspicious of water bills that go high suddenly for no good reason.

When a slab leak is noticed or suspected, it is important to contact a service company immediately. Most service companies have the right technology to help them identify sources of the leakage so that it can be repaired. There are many solutions to the problem and a good company will choose one that best suits the situation.

Since the repair option chosen depends on the situation, the company should talk to the homeowner regarding the option they settle for. One should ensure that the company provides an estimate for the project in addition to a list of all activities that will be performed. This way, disagreements can be avoided once the job is finished. Estimates should be clear and direct without hidden costs.

The cost of repair may be paid in full or part by the insurance company. However, these services are not provided by all insurance companies. As such, one should check with their insurance company to know what costs they cover and which ones they do not.

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  1. Slab Leaks can definitely weaken the construction and therefore not too good for a house,there are leakage detection tools though that can assess the slab leakage.

  2. It is important to keep a tab on the water bill, and besides installing leak detection equipments, you must regularly check about any symptoms to prevent unforeseen hazards.
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