12:31 AM      No comments
By Haywood Hunter

Always use the best there is. For example, the Best Sunless Tanning Lotion 2016 had to offer is the product that has the heights number of sales as well as success stories to back it up. There are so many different products on the market. There are so many different kinds of trade names and still there is only one that would stand out and the people think are worth giving this award to.

The other way you can do this exfoliation is by using a normal body wash. You get body washes on the market that is also known as a body scrub. This is a normal body wash and it has some exfoliating granules in the wash and you can use this with a normal face cloth.

There should not be a drop of water or soap on the surface of the skin. Do not apply and body moisturizer, face cream, roll-on under the arms or perfume or deodorant on the skin. Also don't apply any kind of make up to the face if you are planning to apply this product to your face as well.

Now you can start applying the bronzing product. Do not try and rush this process. If you rush this process you might end up with bad streaks on your skin and you might even have a very orange color to the skin.

The best way to do this is choosing a direction that you want to apply the product in. Do it in one direction and not the way you would apply body cream. This can also cause a big mess and your new skin tone will really not look nice. So, if for example you choose the downward direction. Try and do the whole body that way. Try and use gloves when you apply the cream.

Every single area, no matter how big or how small, that will be covered with this bronzing product, should be shaved or waxed before applying the bronzing product. If you only do it after you applied the product, you color will definitely not last as long as it usually will if you do these entire thing as advice. So do make sure that you get the hair removal out of the way before the application.

Do not get the areas where you applied the product wet. After the whole application session you need to try and avoid showering or bathing for at least the next ten to twelve hours. This is more or less how long it takes for these kinds of products to develop to the best of its ability.

Try and avoid harsh product like scrubbing product or anything that contains alcohol as well. These can cause bleaching of your bronzer. Another thing that should be avoided and should be done only if really necessary is exfoliating, shaving and waxing. Doing these things can cause the staining to fade before it really should have.

So now you have spoken to people that are trained on this product from the shop you are buying the product from. You have done the shaving and the waxing beforehand. You have exfoliated the areas where you want to apply the product. Now you can apply the best solution available.

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