12:52 AM      No comments
By Haywood Hunter

When it comes to looking great nowadays, many people are hitting the target very well, by using a tan lotion regularly. There are many people out there who do almost anything to look super glamorous. They wear the latest hair styles and sport the newest fashions. For them it is important to look great all the time and for many this means having a glorious dark tan. These are obtained using sunless tanning lotions.

Nowadays it is great to see just how many people are opting for a tan lotion and staying out of the harmful sun. Due to the fact that it is the main cause of skin cancer and premature aging, no one wants to dare spend too much time in it. This is great as it means that more people are aware of what it takes to retain their youth.

Fortunately nowadays, people are very aware of the dangers of the sun and use a tan lotion instead. This means that the day s of lying in the sun for hours to get a tan are long gone. The sun is simply too dangerous, posing threats of skin cancer and premature aging.

When it comes to getting a tan lotion, you would be well advised to go to your local tanning salon. These places are now offering the option of the air brush finish and the turbine tan. Both of these entail being sprayed with a super fine tanning mist. This spray is so fine that it sticks tot eh skin and causes it to be toned according to the tone you have chosen for the summer season.

A very good idea when the summer season arrives is to go to one of these salons where you will obtain the best tan lotion possible. The intention is to have the first tanning session done professionally and then maintain the tan yourself by means of sunless tanning lotions at home.

Should you be looking for a tan lotion to maintain your salon hue, you would do well going to the local beauty warehouse. There you will be inundated with options of products. There will be many to choose from like the gels, mousses, lotions and sprays. The different tones will be mind boggling and you may have to give it a lot of thought before you choose the best one.

When it comes to maintaining your tan, it means that you would have to reapply the tan lotion every week in order to keep the look you wan t for the summer season. This is easy to do with the tan lotion products available. All you would have to do is read the instructions very carefully. Follow them pedantically and you are sure to get the look you are wanting.

Exfoliation is necessary in order to remove the rough dry top layer of skin, before using the tan lotion. This is important as this is the skin that is ready to flake off. When you exfoliate, you remove this and expose new skin to the tanning lotion. The new skin will take approximately 5-7 days before it flakes off naturally and then you can reapply the lotion every week instead of every third or fourth day.

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