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By Jony Mozen

When examining how the Fort Myers became to exist, it basically, translates to the time of America Civil War. Based on the bank of Caloosahtchee River, Fort Myers History is noted as one of the ancient sites conquered by the Union forces for playing tactical war just after being distracted by emergence of hurricane in Ft. Dulany in 1841. The earlier dwellers of this place were Calusa people whereas during the time when they were invaded, they existed with the people of Seminole.

Looking at the maps drawn by Army at around 1830, a person is able to tell why the region around Caloosahatchee River has been under considerations for all over the years. It provides a clear visibility in almost all points of direction, was easily accessible, and had a number of creeks that help the Calusa and Seminole to hide and run away from the enemies towards the entire side of Everglades. It provides a leeway for the Indians to move East of Atlantic Ocean or go south in Florida Keys.

After the capture of Fort Myers, the originators escape and majority vanished while the minority who remained preferred to endure the wrath of hard life that awaits them in the hand of the soldiers but funnily enough the opposite happened, the union became that of brother and sister.

Other special heads of the forces like Manual A. Gonzales joined the area of Confederate garrison that currently is the Fort Myers and recommended as the best destination to reside in together with their kids and wife. At some point, he did ship supplies and begin to do exchange of goods with the remaining lot of Seminole. He used to provide them with tobacco, beads and gunpowder in provision of otter, bobcat, deer and gator hides.

As the war was finished people came together and would start going to the region of Myers to fetch for building materials. Majority would come from the Florida whereas this occurred in 1864 to 1875. When it reached 19th Century, huge buildings were on course to completion while some have been just completed. Keystone was just one of them created on the foot of Park Street. The population had taken another shape and now the number had an estimate of around 349 people by 1885. Rich individuals could not wait to let the opportunity vanish, and from that aspect begun to move into the zone to establishing resident where they can hold up with their families among them being Thomas A. Edison.

Come 1884, the Ft. Myers was included in Lee County a new state that could then bring with it an establishment of second newspaper termed as Tropic News. Citrus industry followed in place into the south.

What would take place come 20th Century was the intense at which buildings were being brought up with. These were in form of residential places whereas there was the transport network that consistent of road and rail into other areas outside the city.

Within the years of between 1920 and 1927 was all time for growth and development. People were flocking the zone of Ft. Myers for business and the streets were up grading at higher rates. The same continues up to the year of 1940 and that trend exist until this moment where Myers experience high amount of visitors who comes in to settle as residents.

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