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By April Briggs

For any person who owns a home, there is always a need to make sure that the house is in top condition at all times. The only way to establish this is through a long island home inspection. Conducting this assessment will involve making certain that one has obtained a checklist that can be used in guiding him on what has to be done.

Your assessment should start by first taking a critical look of the exteriors. In the outer area, begin by first accessing the roof area. Make sure you use a ladder to access this area in order to ensure that you are able to reach all the areas.

While assessing the roof, you will also need to guarantee you check out the gutters and the chimney as well. All these are part of the roofing area. For the chimney, all you have to do is check it for any missing bricks. In addition, it should be straight from top to bottom.

In order to guarantee that it will be stable, have someone hold it for you as you are on top of it. When done assessing these three areas, you can climb down and take a walk around the house. This is to help you take a closer look at the condition of your siding.

Ensure you inspect the foundation area before proceeding to enter the house. The foundation is an important part of any residence. You will find that it is mainly responsible for supporting the entire weight of your house. You therefore need to confirm that it is in top condition at all times.

Some houses are constructed in such a way that they have some space beneath the foundation area. Where this space is present, you will need to ensure it has also been inspected. An inspection of this specific area will involve checking for molding.

When all this has been completed, you can now proceed to enter your house. Start by checking out the doors that are facing outwards. Such doors should be checked to confirm whether they have any weathering signs on them. Due to constant exposure to extreme weather conditions, they may begin to change their appearance with time.

All rooms must be given the same amount of attention. You will need to make sure that the light fixtures in all rooms are functional. For the kitchen and the bathrooms, the faucets and taps should also be working properly. Check for any leaks before proceeding to the next room.

It is always advised that one makes certain that he has considered the condition of his ceiling. As you move through all the rooms, ensure you check for the presence of any stain marks. It is best to make sure any available spots are marked. This will indicate that the roof is leaking at one spot or another.

You can complete your home inspection by assessing available appliances. Assessing the appliances will involve making certain that each appliance is working. It should be able to turn on and off without any problems. Also, make sure that the kitchen faucets are not leaking before proceeding to the next room.

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