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By Karen Barnes

Voice acting can be a very competitive industry to get into and requires you to exhibit certain skills and expertise in order to accurately execute a character and bring it to life in the most authentic and genuine way. In order to be the best, you have to work on your craft, you need to perfect it and hone it so that employers want to hire you and to keep working with you. These are 7 skills you need to apply to voice over actor for hire.

The rise of social media has created a new way of finding skilled people as well as a way of showing off your skills to the right people. LinkedIn is a great to find as well as connect with a number of networks of potential clients seeking voice-over artists. The first thing you need to do is create a profile. Your profile needs to be professional, articulate and eye-catching. It also needs to be informative. It is imperative that your profile is also descriptive of all the skills and experience that you have. No matter how small or how insignificant you may think it is, juts list it.

If you don t have any prior experience link to a site where you are interpreting some famous performances. Be creative, show that you have the range and the abilities even if you don t yet have the skills. Also remember to add a professional looking photo as well as your contact details. Once your profile has been created its time to market yourself and start following hiring clients. Some great potential clients include video producers, or companies that are launching ad campaigns. You may also want to search voice over artists gigs.

Being connected is crucial to ensuring you deliver a genuine and believable performance. This means you have to get connected to the material you are reading. You need to adopt the characters emotions, their way of thinking, you need to embody the words and translate them by bringing them to life. This is why a number of artists tend to also act with their entire bodies, as this helps bring it to life.

A great way of finding some gigs is using bartering. Basically, using your skills in order to get something that you want. This method works especially if you don t yet have any experience and are looking to get your voice out there. You can offer your local businesses free voice overs to promote yourself and add the experience to your portfolio. Once you start to develop relationships with local businesses as well as build a reputation for yourself it becomes a lot easier to start getting more jobs.

His voicing style is extremely charismatic and quite animated, especially in the role of SpongeBob who is an over the top, hilariously amusing, fast talking sponge who lives under the sea. He is definitely one of the best, and has a career spanning decades.

The main job for any artists is to be believable. The people listening to you need to believe that this is the character, this is what the character believes in and as such they believe it to. This skill comes as a result of mastering and perfecting all the already mentioned skills.

Read up as much on the website, how they produce their products and find a way of inserting yourself into one of their projects by adding value. Maybe write a script and do a sample for something you think would work for that brand and then contact them. You never want to contact them for an opportunity but rather offer the company an opportunity.

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