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By Betty Watson

The act of absolving energy by means of smoke for any burnt herb is referred to as smudging. It is usually done to drive away destructive energy and helps in purifying the energy. It is mostly associated with tarot readers who smudge incense tarot Hawaii to cleanse their reading cards, tools or even their environment. When beginning and ending any sacred work, it might be important that you conduct the purification which is meant to clear nay energy that are stuck with you. In fact you can actually do so every day to keep your system cleansed and release any bad spirits.

You can actually do this in your own way provided you have the incense sticks. The only requirement is to have an intention as to why you are doing it and what you expect to achieve afterward. What happens after the incense burning is a great feeling of peace and freedom from within.

Incense is the very first perfume that people from many years ago used. They would burn it and use it on themselves, imagine that. It also served as a great way of keeping their environments scented. Of course, nowadays fresheners and perfumes are everywhere, but well they did not have them these days.

White sage, sweet grass or cedar or a concoction of all these is preferred by most people but there also other herbs which can be used. They are usually sold in dry sticks which are then burned and the smoke is then used to chase away all the bad energies and invite the good ones. When burnt the sticks blaze like regular incense. You do this by lighting one end and letting it burn, then after some seconds blow it off which will lead to it smoking, to avoid a dirty place use a dish to ensure you do not have ash everywhere and also to respect the ritual since fire is very important in any sacred observance.

In every cleansing activity, the cleanser should have a goal of what they need and hold their desire in their minds such that they only hold the image of what they expect from the ritual. Sometimes it is the coolness of mind, good health, peace, it could be anything actually. Just fix it I the mind, envision it happening with the help of the smoke, if it is a bad thing to try to see it leaving through the window with the smoke. This causes peace and relaxation. An affirmation can be uttered in the process.

Smudging should not be done at night. All openings should be kept open to ensure all the bad vibrations and energies leave via those openings. The most amazing thing is everybody can do this, you do not need a degree to be able to do it. With enough practice then you are good to go.

Quite a number of purifiers commence their commemoration by using loose sage on their floor, what follows next is they burn the sage. It is also okay to blaze some sweet grass and lighting a stick of sage and while so doing move the smoking stick around yourself or whoever you are cleansing.

What seems to be appealing about this is that virtually anybody interested can perform it anyhow. There are no rules or strict conditions, just an intention and a strong will, that is all.

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