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By Kathleen Bennett

Ugly divorce cases are experienced on a daily basis on divorce courts when couples fight for assets, children custody, and other things. Although a determination is made on a fair basis according to these courts, one of the affected parties is left without peace. However, these painful experiences can be avoided by preparing an agreement document stating how you will share your properties, finances and deal with kids after separating. Find out why having a separation agreement Ontario is beneficial.

When a marriage stops working, children tend to lose the most since parents keep fighting over their custody. Therefore, discuss with your partner on how the custody should be addressed in case the worst happens. Both parents are entitled to seeing the kids, and a formula for doing that must be developed earlier.

Each family has its investment story and the beginning is usually tough no matter how sophisticated they might be in the future. Assets and savings under the name of one of the parties are meant for the family and it should be shared equally during a separation. Include this information in the document and no one will be left broke after the marriage is over. However, remember to include a clause stating that only assets purchased after the union can be shared.

Separations force people to live away from each other, but at times it is not possible. If the family had only one home, you are entitled to live in the same roof but separate rooms. However, make it known that a person can move out when they engage in another relationship to safeguard the family image to the kids and stop hurting the other party.

Homes are equipped with furniture, electronics and other expensive items that cannot be left to a single party. As such, you can agree on what to take and what to be moved to another person without actually mentioning who bought the item. However, the law states that whoever is leaving should only take his or her items, clothing, personal gifts and items purchased before they came together.

To raise the standards of your life, you need loans. However, some people are left to pay the debts alone as their separated wives or husbands go around without paying a dime. To avoid confrontations on debt payment that was meant for the family, make sure that each party understands that it is their responsibilities to repay. No one should be left to pay alone because all the parties used the proceeds.

Moreover, savings deposited in a retirement account over several years for the family should be divided. Considering that both parties are signatories to the accounts, they should focus on how such amounts shall be transferred to individual accounts after the split. An equal sharing is recommended without caring who the main contributor to the fund was.

Divorce cases are murky and can create drama in courts tarnishing your family image. However, with this kind of an agreement, such scenarios will not be experienced, and your separation will hardly be noticed. Engage a professional lawyer when formulating this document to ensure it is within the confines of the law.

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