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By Jerish Thieman

When a wide-scale disaster occurs, anyone anticipating such as event probably already has a plan for bugging out. While it might be as simple as rapidly gathering supplies and heading out of town, some preppers have purchased bug-out land specifically for this type of scenario. If you are concerned about the future and searching for ways to keep your family secure, it's best to begin planning today.

Finding the perfect spot to bug out is a big first step, and one must be careful when selecting a property. While you don't want to be too close to a major city, you also want to be able to reach the bug-out land fairly easily if disaster occurs. Typically, you will want to select a place within about two hours by car, a spot you usually can reach on just a single tank of gas.

When you nail down a bug-out property, you will want to ensure that you have several options for reaching this safe zone. A good rule of thumb is to map out three routes that lead to the bug-out spot. After all, the main roads might be crowded or damaged, so it is imperative that you have alternative ways of reaching safety.

For those in the Pacific Northwest, Klickitat County, Washington, can be an excellent choice. The county has no major cities and is largely rural or wilderness and it is within a few hours of Seattle, Portland and Vancouver. There is also a good deal of ideal bug-out land available in the county, and the property prices tend to be quite affordable. Many people choose Klickitat County as a spot for hunting land or wilderness retreat land and also survivalist land. You can set up a simple bug-out shelter with basic supplies, or plan on rebuilding your life on your bug-out property and living off the grid. The realtors at Klickitat Valley Realty are experts at finding remote pieces of property for clients wishing to find a safe haven for their family.

Once you decide on a spot for your bug-out shelter, it is time to begin prepping. You will need a store of supplies at the bug-out location, but you also need to be ready to load up and leave your current home in a matter of minutes. Keep easy-to-reach bags of clothes, first aid supplies, food, tools and emergency water in the garage where you can toss it into the trunk and get on the road. It is wise to be able to take a few backpacks with a three-day supply of food and water just in case you must abandon your vehicle and continue on foot.

Practice makes perfect, so surprise your family with bug-out drills from time to time. This includes not only loading up a car, but also heading to the bug-out land and practicing living after a disaster. These drills allow you to streamline the whole process as well as encouraging your family to move quickly and automatically in case of disaster. When everyone knows what to do and when, then the process moves quickly, no one panics and you will reach safety far more easily.

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