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By Mark Power

Is there any way that we can know for certain if if our marriage is going to thrive or fall apart? Maybe not, but this article is going to explain how you will know for sure if your marriage will fail. If you had to pick one thing that would decide whether or not your marriage would survive or not, what do you think it would be?

If you picked conflict or fighting then I am truly sorry but I am going to have to tell you that you are WRONG

You may not believe me but it is actually the opposite. Research shows that avoiding conflict is actually the number one predictor that you are destined for a divorce. Isn't it ironic how we try to avoid conflict in order to benefit our relationship? But the truth is we are actually damaging it by not fighting with our spouse.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying that you should go and pick a fight with your spouse. Starting fights for a happy marriage doesn't work either. I am just saying that people in healthy marriages fight. In other words, it is a sign that you truly love one another when you are willing to fight for your marriage. To be happily married, you just have to learn how to fight well.

People who have mastered the proper way to discuss their difference have successful marriages. But this is often not something that come naturally. This is an art that you need to learn. Once you learn how to have healthy disagreements then you will find that when you fight it will actually help your marriage move forward.

EVERY successful couple has areas of disagreement. No two people are perfectly compatible. "Irreconcilable differences" are like a bad knee or a chronic back-they're part of every good marriage.

Most people think that the only way to succeed in marriage is to find the right person. This is not true, it's about learning how to fight with the person you already have in your life. The truth is, you will have differences with anyone that you get into a relationship with. The deciding factor is whether or not you can learn to discuss your disagreements.

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