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By Frances Bailey

There is a logical and precise order that must be followed when restoring your home. Failure to follow it more expenses and duty duplication will be encountered in the process. Firstly, assess the condition of the building. A thorough and comprehensive assessment of the condition of building should be done by a qualified surveyor. The assessment report will shade light on type of constructions materials and techniques that are appropriate for home restoration and repairs. The surveyor can as well establish the total cost to be incurred through the entire project.

In addition, the site for construction should be secured to avoid more damage of the building and for the safety of the people around. A temporal fence must be constructed around the construction site to enforce safety. On the same, the building should be covered temporarily to keep off devastating weather.

It could be helpful to solicit loans from financial institutions both in government and private sector. They actually give construction loans at a zero rated interest. In some cases, these loans attracts negligible interest. Of importance is to apply as early as possible so that you give enough time for the loans to be processed. This way, they will not delay you in starting and finalizing your project.

It could be helpful to apply for statutory consent from the relevant government entities. You need to determine the various approvals needed for any renovations and apply as early as possible to avoid delays in the commencing of the project. This is because it may take some considerable time before getting full approval. It will be a brilliant idea to seek some help from a solicitor in Plymouth County, Massachusetts to check on the restrictions to development of the property.

On the same breath, establish that the supply of both water and power to the site is reliable. Make sure that the construction can be easily accessed. The construction site should be cleaned completely by dumping every unnecessary waste materials and storing those that can either be re-used or sold.

Follow through the existing drainage system and repair any breakage and blockage of the system. This involves replacing worn out items as well. As the construction continues, make sure to to watch the areas under construction and avoid more damages.

After finalizing with renovation of the outer parts, you can look into the inner surfaces. For this, start by repairing all the furniture inside your house. They could be doors, windows, cupboard, wardrobes. Make sure that the drainage system is done appropriately without any leakage or blockage. At this point you need to bring inside all the big items needed in the house and ensure that the installations of heating, alarms, extract ducts and ventilation ducts systems are done appropriately.

Lastly, decorations, tiling, floors must follow suit after all the fixes have been complete. Before decorations and paintings takes place, sanding and filling must be done to ensure that the building is free from dust. It is advisable to start painting from the top and the tiling in the bathroom. After these processes, thoroughly clean the building and move in.

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