1:26 AM      1 comment
By Emilia Kibbe

It is the purview of chiropractors to evaluate the spine and the way it relates to the nervous system. When the spine is in perfect alignment, signals sent to the entire body from the nervous system will be transmitted freely. Conversely, dysfunction in these transmissions will have negative results for the individual being evaluated. A Denver Chiropractor sees this as being true in the child as well as the adult.

A baby can lie in an awkward position in the womb that affects development. In a breech or other type of abnormal birthing position, trauma to the baby may occur. The effect on his spine may not be noticed until years later as the child grows up. If a newborn has colic, that may also be traced back to the delivery.

When you consider the way spina bifida affects someone's life, it is obvious that spinal health is of major importance. All babies might benefit by having their spine evaluated early in life. Any dysfunction will delay the normal milestones a baby is expected to reach during that all-important first year.

The way a chiropractor adjusts the spine of a child bears little resemblance to the adjustments administered to an adult. An assessment determines if there is any misalignment of the vertebrae, those small bones that make up the spine. The child's health is discussed along with the problems the parent sees. When, after thoughtful consideration, adjustments are deemed appropriate, they are done with a light fingertip touch. The impact is feathery light, with the chiropractor touching the appropriate spot on the child's back to make an adjustment.

Unless the child presents with an injury, no pain is ever involved. If there is sensitivity at first, the adjustment can relieve any pressure and pain caused by an automobile accident or playground fall. Most children enjoy the procedure. Often only a few office visits for the adjustments are needed. Children respond more rapidly than adults.

A seemingly unrelated disorder may be due to spinal dysfunction. If a child has recurrent ear infections, is constipated or wets the bed after a certain age, it may be related. A child may benefit from chiropractic care for reasons other than physical trauma.

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1 comment:

  1. You have shared awesome information, thanks a lot! I'm looking for a chiropractor in Mississauga who can treat my lower back pain. Have been suffering from it from last few months. Hope to get permanent relief from pain.


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