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By Angela Price

Restaurants can be profitable but if only the expenditure is kept down. The margins are very slim and if left in the hands of inexperienced people then much will go wrong. Read on to know the techniques you can employ in controlling cost of food when it comes to preparation of bistro cuisine.

You should be watchful when it comes to expenditure. If you have employed an accountant to deal with this side of business, you should not assume that everything will go as you would wish. It is good to review the ledgers on a daily basis to ensure that there are no hidden costs.

Ordering can also mess up your budget if it is not done wisely. There is no need to get a lot of items only for them to end up wasted. If possible, get only what is required for that day. To note is that it is advisable to get the non-perishable products in large quantities because you will get them at a cheaper price.

The portions need to be controlled closely. The staff should be sensitized on the need to ensure that only the right amount of protein is used in the meals. Extras will leave you with deficits. Reacting to such a situation by increasing prices so as to avoid loses will drive the customers away. It is not a wise move as far as business is concerned.

Wastage of food should not be tolerated. Cuisines which need expensive items which are also highly perishables should be prepared taking this into account. The chefs have to understand that each piece counts and encouraged to be creative in making use of the scraps. Preparing them on request and buying only what is enough for that day is encouraged.

A balanced menu is easy to work with. When there are many items to be prepared then it might be a challenge. The cost should be kept below 30%. If the expenditure is beyond 40% then you will have to review the menu because it means that you are treading on shaky grounds. It is good to take your time to streamline this before opening the bistro.

Some foods are seasonal and their prices will definitely shift upwards when the supply is low. It is during such periods when you should sell different menus to the clients. The waiters can do a great job in this sector if they are trained properly. However, this should only be done when it is expensive to offer the cuisines at the normal prices. Things should go back to normal if the supply of items improves.

Management skills and good planning are essential in operation of bistros. To note is that business ought to be built around a certain item. The principal cuisine should be served all through. The enterprise will require intense marketing just like any other type of business. Customers will be coming back for more in such a case. However, the services should be great because no one will be willing to dine at a place where he or she is not treated well.

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