12:51 AM      No comments
By Haywood Hunter

Many people think that if they are going to the tan salon that suntan lotions for tanning beds should not be used. This is the common thought amongst clients even though the products are clearly made for the beds. It goes along with the longtime thought that the two do not play well together. Fortunately for all of us it is just not true anymore.

They would think, why use suntan lotions for tanning beds if you are trying to tan. If you wanted to use suntan lotions for tanning beds that would mean you are trying to prevent a tan, and that just did not make sense to people. What they just did not realize was that there is much more to suntan lotions for tanning beds than previously thought.

Suntan lotions for tanning beds can help people find that color. It all starts with the application. Making sure that the suntan lotion for tanning beds are applied as evenly as possible is one of the most important factors. If it is not applied evenly you will end up with spotty and blotchy looks after you are finished in the booth.

The lotions help because with the tanning bed you are taking a chance on getting the color you are looking for. It all depends on the type of light, the intensity, and the duration of your stay under the lights. If you use a suntan lotion for tanning beds then you can find a lotion that provides assistance getting to the right color or the color that you are hoping for and use that.

Suntan lotions for tanning beds also helped people in various other ways too. Sometimes these accelerators were not what they wanted, but they wanted a freeze gel or a facial tanner. These could also be of a great benefit to people. Generally suntan lotions for tanning beds helped people who could not find the perfect color any other way.

When using suntan lotions for tanning beds you still have to be careful to not go to the salon too often, you do not want to overdo it. Sometimes however it can all depend on the suntan lotions for tanning beds that you buy. One thing that people often make the mistake with is the application of the lotions. If you apply it incorrectly you will definitely not get the tan you are looking for.

If you are applying suntan lotions for tanning beds you will want to make sure that you have an even application. You will also want to make sure that you apply the lotion to freshly showered skin. Sometimes exfoliated and moisturized skin will also work better when trying to get a perfectly even application as well.

The salon staff is trained now on suntan lotions for tanning beds. They know about all the various types and styles and which is best for which type and shade of skin. It is a matching game and one that if you get it wrong you might get the wrong skin tone when you exit the booth. Nobody wants that so be sure to speak to the salon staff about your wishes. They are there to help and they will.

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