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By Barbara Martin

A fact is something that is undeniable. It is much more than an opinion, which is always subjective. In a court of law, a fact is admissible as evidence if it has been proved beyond a doubt. A prophecy is a prediction of things to come, or in some cases a word from God that a person has received. It is hard to tell if 'prophecy facts' can exist.

In the bible, we are told to judge prophecies by their fulfillment. If things foretold come to pass, then the prophecies are real. In the writings of Paul, the futuristic statements are said to be for the church's enlightenment and consolation, so the definition is broadened somewhat. This form of communication with God made a person a prophet; we find both true and false prophets in biblical accounts. This 'gift of the Holy spirit' is still practiced today in some congregations.

There are many 'validated' prophecies that scholars point to in the Bible. Some are in no way obscure, like the dreams of Pharaoh which Joseph interpreted. Isaiah the prophet of Israel wrote details of the crucifixion 400 years before that event. Daniel saw visions which historians say predicted the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, as well as the eventual end of the world.

Other passages might be seen as 'self-fulfilling'. Scripture often tell us that Jesus did something in order that the words of the prophet would be fulfilled. His acceptance of the drink from the vinegar-soaked sponge while He was on the cross is described in this way. However, the statement that 'they cast lots for my clothing' is also fulfilled, without any contrivance of the Lord's.

The words given to Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, David, Jonah, and other prophets are recorded in the Old Testament. The words of John the Baptist and of Jesus, which contain many prophecies, are in the New Testament. Of course, the whole Book of Revelations is a description of events that will come to pass before and during the second coming of the Lord. Believers accept these accounts as truth, but the world will have to wait to see if they are validated by events.

In some Christian gatherings, present-day prophets 'get a word from the Lord' about individuals or things that are to come. They may speak about the Lord's love or about His judgement. Sometimes these utterances are very apt. Only time will tell if the words are fact or imagination.

Many biblical prophecies that have actually occurred are used by apologists to confirm Jesus as the promised Messiah. He was born in Bethlehem, even though this was unlikely since Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth. His birth was acknowledged to be miraculous by two aged prophets in the Temple. He was baptized by John in the Jordan River, as John had been told would happen. There are over one hundred of these fulfilled predictions.

As any comparative survey of history shows, it's hard to 'keep to the facts.' In the case of Christianity, it's not even desirable to do so, because those who believe in things unseen are blessed. However, it is true that there are many things in the ancient texts that the life and ministry of Jesus conforms to. Perhaps people need to make up their own minds according about evidence and enlightenment.

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