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By Larry Hill

Man and its origin is topic that is debatable but most conform to the Darwinian theory of evolution which stipulates that man evolved from the apes. Be that as it may, primitive humans needed to survive the harsh environment. It found shelter in caves and rock crevices. By freak of nature fire was discovered, as to when, nobody knows but fire gave warmth. Contemporary homes have fireplaces to warm the house and these usually have furnaces, the fuel of which is supplied by home heating oil delivery Staten Island.

Topping the list of requisites for a human to keep on living is food. Not only will it fill the stomach and provide energy, it also tickles the palate and gives pleasurable eating experience. Wild berries and other edible plants were gathered and eaten as nourishment. Hunters bring down and slaughter prey for the meat.

The second most important need is that of shelter. Initially, mountain cavities were utilized as shelter and for protection against the harsh elements of nature. It also was a perfect place to stay safe from predatory beasts. The ability to fashion tools and use it changed all this as the creature began to create structures for dwellings.

It can be seen in beach resorts on the tropics and in rural areas of under developed nations. It is built out of light materials mostly from trees and other plants. It is the hut and is a replica of the original abodes of early peoples. Branches and twigs were arranged in such manner that made it into an enclosure topped with palm fronds or dry grass.

Dwelling places are mostly found in residential lots that are carefully planned out by government for housing projects. Houses are built closely together resulting in happy neighborhoods. This is termed as a subdivision or a village and can encompasses large tracts of land. Tropical home most have air conditioning units while in colder regions domiciles have heaters.

Winter brings with it the cold weather. Forest creatures accumulate foodstuffs before hibernating. Human beings feel the cold and found ways to warm the air around homes. Chimneys and fireplaces became a common sight in homes. Contemporary homeowners now have incinerating fixtures installed inside the house to warm the air.

Heaters come in many types. In the old days, the fireplace using wood as fuel was popular. In modern times, furnaces provide hot air using ducts to distribute it inside the house. It can be powered by gas or electricity and comes with a panel to control the temperature. It makes use of heat transfer technology.

Diesel and other low viscosity oil types are the main propellants of heating devices. Some use electricity but almost all make use of the concept of transferring heat to another material that dissipates it into the air. Everyone knows the crude oil coming from the depths is not inexhaustible. Bio gas and synthetic oil will soon be the preferred alternative as a replacement for crude oil.

Family life need to be comfortable. The home is where members rest and relax. People take extra time and effort and spend plenty money to make it livable and the air around it just right as not to make the inhabitants shiver with cold or perspire in heat. The home is paradise for every member of the family.

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