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By Deborah Myers

People have always been believers. It is good to believe in something. Religion did not start yesterday. It has existed for millennia. People have always believed in a Higher Being. Actually, most people are monotheistic. There are three major monotheistic religions in the world. They are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Christianity and Judaism have a close connection. At the heart of Christianity is a Christian church Wichita KS. This is a holy place of worship that is usually respected by people from different walks of life. The church is also present in the hearts of people.

Most believers usually go to church on Sunday. One should not only be a Sunday believer. There is the need to also pray and worship during the other days of the week. One should pray every day after he wakes up and before going to bed. Praying should also be done before taking meals. A believer should learn how to pray in the right way.

There are many parts of a service. There is a section that will involve giving testimonies. One should always testify about the great things that have happened in his life. The prayer section is an important one. Everyone should be involved in praying. The Biblical message will be given by the pastor. One must attentively listen to the message.

Christianity is all about the Bible. Without this Holy Book, there could never have been Christianity. According to the Bible, heaven and earth were created thousands of years ago. There is the old covenant and there is the new covenant that starts with the New Testament. The prophesies in the Bible always come true. No Biblical word can go unfulfilled.

The head of a particular congregation can be the pastor. In some cases, the head is the bishop or the archbishop. There will definitely be a leadership structure. It will take time for someone to climb the hierarchy. There might also be deacons. These people will streamline the various activities of the church. Any congregation has a good number of positions.

The Catholic Church has a very rich history. It has existed for millennia. Through history, there have been many popes. The pope is the head of Catholicism. He usually resides in Vatican City. Catholicism has seen and the rise and fall of nations. Great leaders have ruled countries and they have died but Catholicism has remained on the surface of the earth.

The other denomination is Protestantism. Most Americans are Protestants. There are many Protestant churches. They include Baptist, Anglican, and Presbyterian. A Baptist has to fully believe in the Bible. Before one becomes a believer, he has to be baptized. Baptism involves immersion into water. After being baptized, one has to start doing good works. A believer should be holy.

From the United of America to the most remote places of Africa, one will find Christianity. This religion has made the world a better place. Most countries have formulated their laws based on the Biblical Ten Commandments. Christianity is about morals. It is about goodness and living in harmony with other people. When one strictly adheres to the Bible, he automatically becomes a good person.

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